
Recent News and Pest Control Articles

  • Commercial Pest Management for a Thriving Business Environment
    Commercial Pest Management for a Thriving Business Environment

    As a business owner, you understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and safe environment for your employees, customers, and products. Commercial pest management plays a crucial role in achieving this goal by preventing and managing pest infestations that can have far-reaching consequences…

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  • Why Professional Wasp Removal is Safer Than DIY
    Why Professional Wasp Removal is Safer Than DIY

    Picture this: You’re enjoying a lovely summer day in your garden when suddenly, you notice a swarm of wasps buzzing around your head. Upon closer inspection, you discover a wasp nest tucked away in the eaves of your house.  Wasp infestations can quickly…

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  • 10 Signs You Might Have a Mouse Infestation
    Signs You Might Have a Mouse Infestation

    Discovering a mouse infestation in your home or business can be an unsettling experience. These tiny rodents not only pose significant health risks but can also cause extensive property damage if left unchecked. As experts in pest management, we at Strathearn Pest Control…

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