
10 Signs You Might Have a Mouse Infestation

Discovering a mouse infestation in your home or business can be an unsettling experience. These tiny rodents not only pose significant health risks but can also cause extensive property damage if left unchecked.

As experts in pest management, we at Strathearn Pest Control understand the importance of identifying mouse infestations early to minimise their impact. In this article, we’ll guide you through 10 tell-tale signs that indicate you might have a mouse problem on your hands.

1. Droppings

One of the most obvious signs of a mouse infestation is the presence of droppings. Mouse droppings are small, dark, and pellet-shaped, typically measuring about 3-6mm in length. You’re likely to find them in areas where mice are active, such as along walls, in cupboards, or near food sources. If you spot fresh droppings, it’s a clear indication that mice are currently present in your property.

2. Gnaw Marks

Mice have a constant need to gnaw objects to keep their ever-growing teeth in check. As a result, you may notice gnaw marks on various items, including furniture, skirting boards, and even electrical wires. Fresh gnaw marks will appear lighter in colour and feel rough to the touch, while older marks will be darker and smoother.

3. Tracks and Runways

Mice tend to follow the same paths as they navigate through your property, leaving behind tracks and runways. To detect these, sprinkle a fine layer of flour or talcum powder along skirting boards and check for tiny footprints or tail marks the next day. You may also notice greasy smear marks along walls, as mice often brush against surfaces while travelling.

4. Nests

Mice build nests using soft, shredded materials like paper, insulation, or fabric. These nests are usually located in hidden, secluded areas such as attics, wall voids, or behind appliances. If you come across a nest made of finely shredded materials, it’s a strong sign that mice have made themselves at home in your property.

5. Scratching Noises

Mice are most active at night, and you may hear scratching, scurrying, or squeaking noises coming from walls, ceilings, or floors. These sounds are often more noticeable during quiet times, such as late at night or early in the morning. If you hear these noises consistently, it’s likely that you have a mouse infestation.

6. Urine Pools

In addition to droppings, mice also leave behind urine stains. These stains can be difficult to spot with the naked eye, but you can use a UV light to detect them. Shine the light in areas where you suspect mouse activity, and look for fluorescent spots or streaks, which indicate the presence of mouse urine.

7. Ammonia Odour

As mouse infestations grow, the accumulation of droppings and urine can create a distinct ammonia smell. This odour is particularly noticeable in enclosed spaces, such as cupboards or drawers. If you detect a strong, pungent smell that wasn’t present before, it’s a sign that your mouse problem may be more severe than you initially thought.

8. Fresh Gnawing

While gnaw marks can be an indication of past mouse activity, fresh gnawing is a sign of an active infestation. Look for small wood chips or shavings near skirting boards, furniture, or stored items. If you find newly gnawed holes or damage, it’s crucial to take immediate action to address the problem.

9. Pet Behaviour

Your pets, especially cats and dogs, may become more alert or agitated if they sense the presence of mice. They might spend more time sniffing or pawing at walls, skirting boards, or other areas where mice are active. If you notice your pet behaving unusually, it’s worth investigating further for signs of a mouse infestation.

10. Sightings

Spotting a live mouse during the day is a serious warning sign, as mice are typically nocturnal creatures. Daytime sightings often indicate a significant infestation, as mice are forced to forage for food outside of their regular hours due to overcrowding. If you see a mouse scurrying across your floor, it’s time to take decisive action.


Can I get rid of mice on my own? 

While there are DIY methods for mouse control, such as traps and poisons, these solutions often provide only temporary relief. Professional pest control services, like those offered by Strathearn Pest Control, can effectively eliminate mouse infestations and help prevent future occurrences.

How long does it take to get rid of a mouse infestation?

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the infestation and the size of the affected area. Our experienced technicians at Strathearn Pest Control will assess your situation and develop a customised plan to eliminate the mice as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Can mice carry diseases?

Yes, mice can carry various diseases that pose serious health risks to humans, including Salmonella, Hantavirus, and Leptospirosis. This is why it’s crucial to address mouse infestations promptly and thoroughly.


Identifying a mouse infestation early is key to minimising damage and health risks. By keeping an eye out for the 10 signs we’ve discussed – droppings, gnaw marks, tracks, nests, noises, urine pools, odours, fresh gnawing, pet behaviour, and daytime sightings – you can catch a mouse problem before it spirals out of control. If you suspect you have a mouse infestation, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Strathearn Pest Control.

About Strathearn Pest Control

At Strathearn Pest Control, we offer a wide range of services to tackle pest problems in various settings:

  • Domestic Pest Control: We help homeowners reclaim their living spaces from mice, rats, insects, and other common household pests.
  • Bird Control Services: Our bird control solutions, including bird proofing and nest removal, are effective and humane.
  • Commercial Pest Control: We work with businesses to create pest-free environments that meet industry standards and regulations.
  • Agricultural Pest Control: Our team specialises in managing pests that threaten crops and livestock, ensuring the success of agricultural operations.

We proudly serve areas such as Perth, Dundee, Fife, Stirling, and many more, offering rapid response times and uncompromising quality.

With years of experience and a commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest pest control techniques, we at Strathearn Pest Control are well-equipped to handle any mouse infestation. Our certified technicians use safe, effective methods to eliminate mice and prevent their return.

If you’re dealing with a mouse problem or simply want to learn more about our services, view our website or give us a call today. Let Strathearn Pest Control be your trusted partner in maintaining a pest-free environment.

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